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Lesslie Newbigin - his life, work and writing

Lesslie Newbigin served for nearly forty years as a missionary in India from 1936 onwards. During this time he became deeply aware of the application of tradition rather than gospel teaching in the process of interpreting Christian faith to other cultures. He spent much time examining the principles and problems involved in cross-cultural communication of the gospel.

On his return to Britain, he encouraged the Church in the West to recognise its altered position from guiding force within traditional society and structure and face the implications of the deepening divide between secular thought and Christian practice. His central conviction of the gospel as public truth challenged the sidelining of Christian debate into solely personal issues and gave strength to renewed discourse in many areas.

As a minister in an inner-city area of Birmingham, Lesslie Newbigin was also very active in international ecumenical organisations. He was a prolific writer and lecturer, especially on missiology theory and practice, up to his recent death.

"Foolishness To The Greeks" - The Gospel and Western Culture. By Lesslie Newbigin, 1986, published by SPCK, ISBN: 0-281-04232-2

A deeply thoughtful and challenging look at the principles and problems involved in a cross-cultural communication of the gospel, with special emphasis on the social structures and political practices dominated by materialism and modern science in the West.

"Faith and Power: Christianity and Islam in a 'secular' Britain" (co-authored with Jenny Taylor and Lamin Sanneh)
1998, SPCK

Replublished by Wipf & Stock


For a full list of many of Lesslie Newbigin's hard-to-find or previously unpublished writings, in areas such as the theology of mission, ecumenism and the gospel and our culture try

For a CD-Rom version of a searchable database of writings of Lesslie Newbigin, contact Revd. David Kettle (UK) at Newbigin.Net
Purchase details from :

"The Place of Christianity in Religious Education" can be found in the 'Lesslie Newbigin Papers' held in care of the Orchard Learning Resources Centre Information Services, University of Birmingham, Hamilton Drive, Weoley Park Rd, Selly Oak, Birmingham, B29 6QW (United Kingdom)

Books by Lesslie Newbigin:

"The Gospel in a Pluralist Society"

Grand Rapids, MI. Wm.B.Eerdmans


"A Proper Confidence: faith,doubt and certainty in Christian discipleship"

Grand Rapids, MI.


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